
On Days like Today...

On days like today, I want to fly.

On days like today, I love romping with an adorable puppy and an equally adorable younger brother (just don't tell him I said that).

On days like today, I want to write outside in the wildness of the wind.

On days like today, I love alliteration.

On days like today, I wear bright colors and sunglasses.

On days like today, I love spending "girl time" with my Mom shopping. 

On days like today, I laugh because of the sheer joy of life.

On days like today, I wish I could capture the sunshine in a bottle.

On days like today, I experience a longing I can't explain.

On days like today, I am caught up in the ecstasy and beauty of life.

4 vivid thoughts:

hannah m said... {Reply}

This was so lovely, Melody. Beautiful pictures!

Chloe M. Kookogey said... {Reply}

That was a beautiful post, Meloday! I loved all the photos. And yes, we all have those moments when we wish we could capture sunlight in a bottle. I myself wish that nearly every single day of my life. :)

Love and Blessings,
Elizabeth Rose

Anonymous said... {Reply}

I love this post! All of your pictures are amazing and that puppy is just adorable! Oh, and I added your blog button to my blogroll. :)

Edith said... {Reply}

That first iris photo makes me want to melt.

I think there will be many such days in the New Earth. I'm looking forward to being with you there, someday.



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