
Precious Gifts (Guest Post)

You have all heard the saying, " Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain." I couldn't agree more. Ann Voskamp, the author of One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are remarked that "Life is not an emergency." Every moment is a precious gift. It's our job to slow down to savor it.

The world is full of pain. The world is full of ugliness and despair. Still, God has chosen to give us beauty. We don't deserve His gifts, but, still He choses to give them. They are truly gifts of love.

Open your eyes. Notice the beauty of the little things around you. 
A baby's smile. 
A loaf of freshly-baked bread.
 Golden sunshine.
 Sparkling dewdrops. 
Bright bursts of color. 
Leather-bound books. 
Classical music. 
New life.
Holding hands with your siblings. 
Twirling until you get dizzy. 
Laughing so hard your sides hurt. 
Blooming flowers.
These are beautiful things. 
These are the things that God has given us to enjoy. 
These are the things that require us to slow down and notice. 

It's all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life. Trust me. I know. As the oldest of five children who is trying to balance family, friends, and chores while earning a college degree from home, slowing down for the little things in life is a daunting task.
Still, I need to step back and breathe. I need to stop all feel the presence of an Almighty God in my life and watch as He writes a story. My story. And, when He writes my life story, He puts in wonderful beauties of little things that I don't want to miss. 

I'm Cassandra. Hazel eyes behind black-framed glasses. Sixteen-years-old. A girl set-apart by Jesus Christ. Lover of words, pictures, family, friends, laughing, and life. Laughs often, takes pictures compulsively, writes like there is no tomorrow. A book-worm, singer, heath-nut, beach girl, bibliophile, wanna-be-world-traveler, adventurer, skirt-wearer, daydreamer, homeschool student, college sophomore, humanities major, and lover of beautiful things… This is me. You can visit my blog here: Inside My Mind

1 vivid thoughts:

Laura Elizabeth said... {Reply}

That was very lovely. I loved the pictures, as well! Just a quick heads up: the link to Cassandra's blog doesn't work :(


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