
The Longing for Love

The longing for love - that aching, sweet sensation - lies within all of us. No matter if we admit this desire and need or go our whole lives forbidding ourselves to ever partake in it, it is there. Love is what drives us to get up in the morning, what makes us invest in people, what makes us share part of ourselves with others. It consumes all of us, whether we are conscious of it or not.

We want so desperately to be loved.

Some display unashamed, abandoned neon signs saying "LOVE ME!". Others hide their longing deep inside.
Yet each one feels just as deeply. 

Some have experienced deep, tearing rejection of their love, while others have never even been given a taste.
Yet each one hurts just as deeply.

Some share their heart timidly, piles of past pain masking their true depth of emotion. Others push themselves on anyone they can find, desperate for at least one who will listen with their heart and not just their ears. 
Yet each one desires to be heard. 

Some create vivid words, melodies, pictures which give perfect expression to the depth of their emotion. Others can't even make their mouth form the words, "I love you."
Yet each one has the same longing to express themselves.

All of these longings for love are simply trying to find their satisfaction in people. This isn't bad in itself, because God made us as relational beings. But, no mere person will fill the empty void inside that so many wish could be filled. God is the one who created the void, and He is the only one who can fill it completely.

We are made not only to be loved, but to love. We are made to be filled with Christ, and then to channel that love through to others. And if we are filled with Christ's love, we will never run dry. Our thirst and the thirst of those around us will always be quenched with Him.

Where do you look to for fulfillment of this longing? When someone rejects you, who do you go to? When you're having a bad day, what do you do? I challenge you to examine yourself and see what God may lay on your heart about seeking love and fulfillment in the wrong places.

And we have this glorious hope that no matter how twisted or torn our view of love may be, the True Love is waiting with open arms for us to run into them and find perfect peace and rest.

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