I decided to take the plunge and start something new.
I've been wanting to get back into blogging for a long time, but I've just had a mental block about coming back. So much has happened since I last posted on here. And honestly, I feel that Vividry is a chapter that has closed for me.
I started this blog six years ago, as a highschool student, and here I am a college graduate starting down a new road. I love this blog and the people I have come to know through it, but I think it's time to start a new chapter. I'm a pianist, piano teacher, photographer and writer, and I would like a fresh start to re-focus.
I don't want to say goodbye to all of you, though, so please come over and check my new blog out. It's called becoming.
I have another exciting bit of news for you all. Remember in 2010 when I recorded music for a CD but never was able to actually produce a CD for you all? Well, I finally have done it. I recorded twelve of my songs (both ones I have written and Classical pieces I have studied at college), and I have made a CD out of them!
My CD is called A Spark of Inspiration, and I am so excited to share it with you all! I was able to record it on the 9-ft Steinway piano in the recital hall at Cedarville, and the sound is very rich and full. Check out the link to download it on CDbaby. Pretty soon it will be up on Itunes and Amazon also!
So friends, come and check out these new things! And I will see you over at becoming.